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7 Steps To Creating A Digital Transformation RIGHT NOW

Many organizations are struggling to compete in today’s hyper-digital world. According to research gathered by Dell Technologies, 91% of businesses are facing persistent barriers to digital transformation.

Despite the fast pace of change, many digital transformation programs are still in their infancy. The situation is becoming more urgent for companies who haven’t embraced the realities of our digital world.

For some, it’s a fear of doing the wrong thing. What if you start on the path to digital transformation only to discover a better option along the way? Or, what if the technology changes before you finish your digital transformation plans?

The following steps can help you get organized and develop a plan for your digital transformation:

Step 1. Drop the excuses 
We’re living through a cloud-computing renaissance, and companies that don’t adapt are failing. Outdated, legacy infrastructure and on-premise systems are costing companies money. The money you think you’ll save by putting off an ERP or digital transformation project will be gone by time you’re ready to make a change. Now is the time to invest in new technology.

Step 2. Decide your business strategy before investing in technology 
Digital transformation should be guided by a broader business strategy. Create a strategy that speaks to the overall goals of your business. For example, if you develop mobile apps, you want to reduce development times, push content out in real-time, and use data and analytics to monitor and adjust your results. Once you have solid strategy, you can source the best types of technology to help you reach your goals.

Step 3. Recognize your staff’s fear of being replaced
A large part of digital transformation is adopting automated processes. When employees hear this, they may think their jobs are being threatened. They may consciously, or unconsciously, resist the changes you want to make. That’s way Step 4 is an important part of the process.

Step 4. Leverage your staff
Many organizations start out bringing in outside consultants to help them create a digital transformation. But, they tend to offer a one-size-fits-all solution. A better option is to rely on your own staff. Your employees have intimate knowledge about what works and what doesn’t in their daily operations.

Step 5. Adopt a start-up culture
Start-ups are known for their agile decision-making, rapid prototyping, and flat structures. The process of making a company-wide change is going to be uncertain – changes will need to be made and then tweaked and adjusted. Decisions will need to be made quickly to keep progress on track. 

Step 6. Think about growing your business
As you’re ramping up your digital transformation plans, it’s a good time to think about how you see your business growing over the next 5 or 10 years. What do you envision the size and scope of your organization will be? How might you add to your range of products or services? What technology will help you get there?

Step 7. Manage security risks
Shifting to a cloud approach offers multiple levels of increased security, including going paperless, data storage, security of financial information, and becoming more agile to respond to changes in your business environment. 

For a digital transformation to work within your organization, you need to go back to the fundamentals. Focus on your most valuable resources: your staff, leadership, and customers. Keep in mind your organizational culture and current processes. Then, decide what digital tools and resources to use and how to use them. Drive the technology to create the future you envision for your organization!

Want to learn more about how the CatalystXL mobile app can help you reach your digital transformation goals? We can launch a private-label mobile app in 2 hours with enterprise-class features and functionality: Connected Workforce and Sales Empowerment.  We can make it available in the Apple Store and Google Play in 48 hours.

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